the actual first post
anythingwhere to start?
Even though I am writing in this post, I still haven't figured out what exactly I would like to talk about. One thing for sure is that, since I finally hook this site up with my custom domain, I would like to post something real up to celebrate it!
As I say in this website domain, I fidget all the time. I doodle, knit, crochet and sew. I used to write a lot, but not anymore. I hope this blog becomes a stepping stone for me to start writing again. Not every writing I did in the past was great, but being able to express myself was something I was proud myself of.
what to write?
At the moment, it could be anything.. anything I come up with, anything
I would like to talk about. As a fidgeter, it's hard just to keep only one thing
to write about. So yes, I will write about doodling, knitting, crocheting,
sewing and programming.
This post is sort of going to be a warm up for me. Writing hasn't been my thing when my depression got worse, actually then none of hobbies or activities I had used to do or enjoy couldn't be done for many years.
I don't want to give myself too much pressure to write something high quality from the beginning, so this could be anything, and this post is exactly that, anything.